Apply for a Grant
The Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation is a small non-profit private foundation that makes grants to support impactful and innovative economic education programs. The Foundation will look most favorably at programs that collaborate with economic education institutions with expertise and successful track record in economic education such as economic education councils and centers, learning institutions, universities, and colleges. The Kazanjian Foundation expects to be one of several funders of a project and does not support projects based outside the United States, nor does it support overhead or indirect costs.
Only 501(C ) (3) nonprofit organizations with at least 5 years of history may be eligible to submit a letter of interest. The LOIs selected and approved by our Foundation board of directors may receive an invitation to submit a full proposal.
There are two grant cycles with early March (decision in June) and early September (decision in December) for the LOI submission deadlines. The Foundation is open to submissions with various reasonable dollar amounts supported by your program. We are also open to multi-year grant funding requests.
Foundation’s current funding interest includes but not limited to:
Leveraging AI to increase student learning effectiveness and experience in economic education.
Research on AI and economic education.
Developing/enhancing/leveraging capabilities to reach greater number of people in economic education.
Economic education programs which have multiplier effect through teachers, social workers, and etc on the population they serve.
New and innovative economic education curriculum and capability.
Behavioral economics with a focus on environmental issues.
Programs to generate more excitement and demand for economic and financial education.
Organizations wishing to be considered for funding need to complete the Letter of Interest on line. Since you must complete this form in one sitting, it is recommended that you work on the content off line before copying and pasting to the on line form to submit.